
So, I'm creating a blog to send out some messages to the world.  This is for the wandering people on the internet looking around for some more entertainment.  Even though I haven't been alive long enough to fully understand the whole world, or have gone through enough things to say I'll understand any problem.  But I've gone through a few things in my time and I think I've learned a few things that I feel everyone should know.  It's always possible that I'm just this pessimist full of shit that needs to get over it and carry on.  But maybe I actually know a few things.  I have a dream to change the world, to make it at least a little better.  I don't want to become the president and change America, but rather create a slow wave motion that travels through word and turns different ideas.  I'm a very open minded person.  Sometimes this shoots me down with other people, but I invite other people just to try it; to question our lives and see for ourselves what we believe in.  And this isn't just about religion, this is about everything: morals, views on life, attitudes, because they're the basis of life.  If you see this blog, and find some interest in it, the only thing I can ask of you is to try it and tell someone else about it.